
Rezultatai: ERC

Pirmas vairuotojas
Antras vairuotojas
Priežastis Pagam. GR
  • 3 Eyvind Brynildsen Ilka Minor Eyvind Brynildsen

    Ford Fiesta R5 (RC2)

    Out of road 9
  • 7 Nikolaus Mayr-Melnhof Leopold Welsersheimb Nikolaus Mayr-Melnhof

    Ford Fiesta R5 (RC2)

    Rollover 10
  • 14 Paulo Nobre Gabriel Morales PALMEIRINHA Rally

    Škoda Fabia R5 (RC2)

    Out of road 11
  • 16 Laurent Pellier Geoffrey Combe Peugeot Rally Academy

    Peugeot 208 T16 R5 (RC2)

    Technical after SS-6 6
  • 23 Mattia Vita Pietro Elia Ometto TRT Junior Rally Team

    Peugeot 208 R2 (RC4)

    Technical problem 8
  • 29 Sindre Furuseth Jim Hjerpe Sindre Furuseth

    Opel Adam R2 (RC4)

    Engine 5
  • 33 Oliver Solberg Veronica Gulbæk Engan Sports Racing Technologies

    Peugeot 208 R2 (RC4)

    Engine 10
Iš viso: 7