

  • 13-01-2022 11:52

    Traditional winter Rally Sarma is back in business

    At the beginning of January, a decision was made to hold the international winter rally Sarma on 12 February, which did not take place for two years due to unsuitable weather and a pandemic. This year, one of the largest sports events in the Gulbene region will bring together local and foreign athletes who will compete for the Latvian and Estonian Rally Championships points, as well as the Latvian Historic Rally and Latvian Rallysprint Cups points. Unfortunately, it has now been decided to hold the rally without the spectators.

Although Rally Sarma 2022 was included in the preliminary rally calendars of both Latvia and Estonia, the decision to organize it was made only a little more than a month before it, when the responsible sports organizations and Gulbene region showed support for it.

"The situation in the country is not simple, and it was not easy for us, as the organizers of the competition, to decide whether or not to organize the competition. All the more so because we do not see a way to organize the rally not only for competitors but also for spectators. We are still actively consulting with all parties involved on this issue, as the rally takes place in a very large area of fresh air. The decision to run a rally has been made and we will adapt to the circumstances. We are already discussing various ideas on what innovations to introduce to pass the rally atmosphere to the rally fans who have stayed at home," says the rally director Vilhelms Sniedzāns.

The rally organizer Gulbene AUTO - MOTO had already done the "homework" and prepared different versions for this year's rally. Since there is no need to think about the spectators, a very compact version of the rally was created at the last minute, which will not allow competitors to be bored - a rally with six stages with a total length of 90 km and one service park, they will have to complete within five hours. Rallysprint athletes will have to complete four stages with a total distance of almost 57 km. It will be a very dynamic rally with no time to relax.

More information about accommodations can be found on the Gulbene region tourism information website www.visitgulbene.lv. You can follow the news of Rally Sarma on social networks, while the rally guide and other official information can be found at www.autorally.lv.

Ģirts Avotiņš, Rallija Sarma media officer